Tag: who need visa to Germany

Visa to Germany

Who Need Visa to Germany?

For those who do not belong to the list “Visa Exemption to Germany” are the answer for the question “Who need Visa to Germany?” Vietnam-legal.com would like to give the list of countries whose citizens are required to have Germany Visa when they want to travel to Germany. Afghanistan Ecuador Lebanon Rwanda Algeria Egypt Lesotho São Tomé and Principe Angola Equatorial Guinea Liberia Saudi Arabia...

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Trung Quốc miễn visa cho nước nào?

Visa Exemption to Germany

“Who don’t need Visa to Germany?” is a question asked by many people who want to travel to Germany. Vietnam-legal.com would like to give the answer for this question with the list of countries whose citizens don’t need to apply for Visa to Germany. Albania (5) Dominica Macao (6) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Andorra (4) El Salvador (4) Macedonia (The former Yugoslaw Republic  of...

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