Changes to Visa Types for Foreign Investors from 01 July 2020
29 May 2020
From 01 July 2020, Vietnamese authorities will implement new visa types for foreign investors into Vietnam, based on the value of the investment capital according to Law no. 51/2019/QH14.
In addition, the new Law clarifies the visa status for foreign individuals, depending on their purpose in Vietnam, issuing specific types of visas such as LV1, LV2, DN1, and DN2.
The new law also mentions to Electronic visa and then on 25 May 2020, Vietnam Government has issued Resolution No. 79/NQ-CP on the list of countries whose citizens can apply for the electronic visa (e-visa) to enter Vietnam, and the list of international border gates which allow foreigners to enter and exit Vietnam with e-visa. This Resolution will take effect from 01 July 2020.